Pravidla / Rules

Novinka !!!!

Kanjam je nekontaktní sportovní hra s létajícím talířem a dvěma plastovými koši, které jsou od sebe vzdáleny 15m. Hrají proti sobě dva dvoučlenné týmy, cílem je hodit frisbee od jednoho koše a zasáhnout druhý koš. Hráč hází na koš, kde je připraven jeho spoluhráč, který může frisbee tečovat a tím ho umístit do koše. Vítězí dvojice, která první dosáhne 21 bodů.


KanJam consists of one flying disc and two scoring containers that serve as goals.

First time set up of goals - Attach KanJam Label: Lay each goal flat with shiny side up. Carefully attach one "KanJam" label above the "Instant Win" slot on the front of each goal.

To assemble goals, insert the three tab ends into the slotted openings. Insert the tabs from the outside to the inside of the container.

The official distance between the goals is 50 feet. This distance should be measured from the front of one goal to the front of the other goal. Place the goals 50 feet apart, with the Instant Win slots facing each other.

For tournaments and leagues with multiple courts set up aside one another - KanJam courts should be placed no less than 15 feet apart from each other to allow room for deflecting. For larger events or those with limited space, it would be acceptable for a distance of 12 feet between courts.

For the complete set of rules, download the PDF.